About Me

Personal Profile
Name: Harry Hong
Date of Birth: December 19, 1987
Sex: Male
Language: English, Korean
Major: Mathematics
Interests: Films, Music, Mathematics, Photography, Design

Contact Me
Email: d.o.u.b.l.e.h@live.com
KakaoTalk: NaughtyRabbitH
Skype: h871219

About this blog
This blog is currently still under construction. I need to update and correct some html codes. This is technically publicized, but only few people (probably no more than five) knows the link to this blog. I plan to start advertising this blog when I hit the 50th post or when I finish with all the html codes - whatever comes first. If you are here and you don't know me, congrats.

The main purpose of this blog is to organize my photographs and design results. Also I kinda back up all the pictures here, too. Secondly, this is one of great ways to get feedbacks. Although this blog is designed for my convenience, a blog itself is designed to share itself to others, isn't it? Lastly, I forgot.