June 8, 2011

Union Square Statue

Date: April 16, 2011
Location: Union Square, San Francisco, California
Camera: Nikon F
Lens: Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 AI-s

Yey, my first color slide image post on this blog!

Few news

I'm learning a lot these days. Also, I calibrated my laptop monitor for the first time since I bought this which was about 4 years ago. I realized that I need to re-edit few photographs that are already posted here.

My major camera is Nikon F and I have two choices of films: negatives and slides. I've been using negatives a lot. Actually, all film photographs posted before this post are from color negative films. But from now on, I'm going to stick to color slides. They are fucking expensive comparing to color negatives, but I think it's worth it.

June 7, 2011

Electric Pole

Date: May 28, 2011
Location: Starbucks Parking Lot, Buena Park, California
Camera: Nikon F
Lens: Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 AI-s

Electric Poles

Date: May 28, 2011
Location: Starbucks Parking Lot, Buena Park, California
Camera: Nikon F
Lens: Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 AI-s


Date: May 28, 2011
Location: Starbucks Parking Lot, Buena Park, California
Camera: Nikon F
Lens: Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 AI-s


Date: May ??, 2011
Location: Melrose Street, Buena Park, California
Camera: Nikon F
Lens: Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 pre-AI

Disney Station

Date: May 24, 2011
Location: Downtown Disney, Anaheim, California
Camera: Nikon F
Lens: Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 pre-AI

Rock Cubes

Date: May 21, 2011
Location: Redondo Beach, California
Camera: Nikon F
Lens: Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 pre-AI

Draft Beer Handles

Date: May 21, 2011
Location: Redondo Beach, California
Camera: Nikon F
Lens: Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 pre-AI

May 11, 2011


I'm fucking sick of this film shit now. This fucking local photo lab destroyed two rolls of my Ilford HP5 film which had precious images of my friends on their wedding day. Now, they're gone forever. Yea yea my camera is one of the best 35mm camera in the world so far. But this camera is for pros who have their own photo labs or who makes money out of their cameras, not me, who just wants to casually enjoy shooting films. Films cost. A lot. When I shoot, I'd like to check at least if it's well focused or not right after. I don't want to wait for two days and see dozens of out-focused prints. I'm a poor amateur. Sometimes, I want to shoot with ISO1600. For right next film, I want to shoot with ISO50. I need digital. I don't want to waste 20 second trying to find perfect focus while Erica is riding skates. I need auto-focus. I don't want to carry a tripod all the time. I need VR. Films are good? I agree, but not for me. Digital suits me better. Now I'm saving money for D7000 from now on. I'm going to minimize the number of shootings and I will just bring point-and-shoot when I go travel. Of course I'm keeping this precious camera and I will keep using it occasionally even after I get DSLR. But at least I'm not going to get stressed so much like this.

May 4, 2011

San Francisco

Date: April 16, 2011
Location: Powell St, & Sutter St., San Francisco
Camera: Sony DSC-P150

It would be better if the camera was still.

Re-edited lens distortion and perspective.

Photographed by Erica Kim
Edited by double H

April 27, 2011


Date: November 19, 2008
Location: Pismo Beach, California
Camera: Sony DSC-P150


April 26, 2011

In Solvang

Date: November 19, 2008
Location: Solvang
Camera: Sony DSC-P150

The date goes back to November 19, 2008, Approximately three before I started going out with Erica. It was quick one-day-trip to San Luis Obispo, and we stopped by at Solvang on the way back home. Ann is seen on the right side holding her cellphone.

On Santa Monica Pier

June, 2009.
On Santa Monica Pier.
I and Erica went there to take some pictures of sunset but I forgot to bring memory card. We bought stupidly expensive Kodak disposable film camera there and started shooting. It was kinda early so we had dinner at Bubba Gump and we got out and we realized there is no more film for sunset. Interesting nostalgia isn't it?
This month, we visited there again, this time we brought film cameras and finally took sunset pictures.

Camera: N/A (Kodak 35mm one-time-use camera)
Photographed by Erica Kim

April 24, 2011

Harry + Erica iPhone wallpaper

I originally designed this for new iPod case for me and Erica.

But I think it's worth to make this as wallpaper.

I don't know why I always screw with Erica's face all the time.

Again, lockscreen theme designed by Prologos.

April 23, 2011

Lomography Diana F+ wallpaper

This is Erica's camera, Lomography Diana F+

iPhone lockscreen theme is designed by Prologos, not me.

April 22, 2011

Nikon F wallpaper

This is my camera, Nikon F Photomic FTn with Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 pre-AI.
What's this obsession with me with blueprint??
Architect's blood runs thru my vein fo sho.

desktop version (1280 x 800)
Nikon logo back in 50s was not that logo. but who cares.

I reposted iPhone version above.

April 21, 2011

04.16-17.2011 San Francisco

Date: April 16-17, 2011
Location: San Francisco, San Luis Obispo
Camera: Sony DSC-P150
Camera: Apple iPod Touch 4th Gen.

All images 100% crop, resized, and unedited.

Still waiting for more images from film rolls and Erica's iPod.